Green Cards

What do you need to do now?
If you are not planning on driving in the EU in the near future, there is nothing to do. However, if they are outside of the UK on (or around) the 29th March, you will need to contact us or your insurer giving sufficient notice before your departure to ensure a Green Card can be issued in time.
If Britain leaves the EU, without a deal in place, it will be a legal requirement to carry a Green Card if driving in any EU country or Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, Serbia and Andorra.
What is a Green Card?
The Green Card has information about your vehicle such as its licence plate number and demonstrates that you have the necessary minimum motor insurance cover in place to be on the road. Drivers have to physically carry the Green Card (printed on green paper) with them.
A separate Green Card will be required for all trailers, but please be aware that all commercial trailers of 750kg or over and any trailer of 3500kg or over, must be individually registered if being used outside of the UK. Please let us know the details of all trailers being used outside the UK

Please contact us to discuss further on 01934 522252.

BIBA (British Insurance Brokers Association) Hedron Network

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